The Special Economic Zone "Donetsk" is located in the city of Donetsk, which is the center of the region and one of the largest industrial cities of Ukraine. It has the territory of 358 square kilometers, its population is more than 1 million people.

From the Law of Ukraine "About special economic zones and about special mode of investment activity in Donetsk region" (dated on 24.12.98 №356 - XIV).

Article 3.
The special economic zone "Donetsk" is organized for the term of 60 years. According to the Law special custom and taxation orders and other conditions of implementing of economic activities are established on the territory of the special economic zone "Donetsk".

Article 4.
The state warrants stability of the legal regime of functioning of the special economic zones and territories of priority development to be established by this Law for all term determined in the Article 3 of this Law.

Article 9.
On the territory of the Special economic zone "Donetsk" the enterprises which apply new technologies for manufacturing of export and supply goods for the home market are located. Objects of productive and non-productive infrastructure, including office structures, hotels, apartment houses, etc. can be placed in territories of special economic zones. The creation of casinos, gaming houses and other similar objects is strictly banned in territories of special economic zones.

Article 19.
The state according to the legislation of Ukraine warrants keeping in full of all property and non-property rights of investors and subjects of business who operates in the Special economic zone "Donetsk" in case of liquidation of the Special economic zone "Donetsk".


Special preferred mode of taxation.
The profit of payers of the profit tax on the territory to the Special economic zone "Donetsk" is assessed under the rate of 20 % to an object of taxation.
The incomes received by non-residents with sources of origin from the territory of the Special economic zone "Donetsk" from carrying out of economic activities, are assessed at the rate of 23 rates of the taxation, determined by the Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "About the taxation of the companies profit". This norm is not applied to incomes of the investments in securities let out under the decision of authorized state institution or any institution of local government, and incomes, determined by item 13.6 of the Law of Ukraine "About the taxation of the companies profit". The duties to the State Innovative Fund and to the Fund on Maintenance of Measures on Liquidation of Consequences of Chernobyl Disaster and social protection of the population are not collected.

The receipts in a foreign currency from production sale, goods sale (works, services), made or rendered in the Special economic zone "Donetsk" are free from obligatory sale. The sum of investments received according to the investment project as money resources, material assets and fictitious assets, cost of which in convertible currency is confirmed according to laws of the investor-country is not included into gross revenue of the enterprise located in the Special economic zone "Donetsk".

The mode of the special custom area
In the Special economic zone "Donetsk" is used the following order of import-export of goods and other subjects:
- in case of import of goods and other subjects (except of under-excise goods) from borders of customs territory of Ukraine on territory of the special economic zone, for use in this zone, the import duty and the value-added tax are not raised;

- in case of import on the customs territory of Ukraine of goods and other subjects which have been imported from borders of customs territory of Ukraine on territory of the special economic zone, taxes are paid in the order established by the legislation of Ukraine for the taxation of the goods which were imported;

- in case of export from the territory of the special economic zone abroad borders of customs territory of Ukraine goods and other subjects made completely or enough, processed or finished in the special economic zone, the export and excise duty are not raised, and the value-added tax is raised under the zero rate;

- in case of export of customs territory of Ukraine from the territory of the special economic zone of goods and other subjects previously imported from abroad to the territory of the special economic zone, the export duty, the value-added tax and excise duty are not raised;

- in case of export of goods and other subjects (except of under-excise goods) from the customs territory of Ukraine on territory of the special economic zone, the export duty is not raised, and the value-added tax is raised under the zero rate.

The special economic zone “Donetsk” was organized taking into account an advanced social and manufacturing infrastructure of Donetsk. The total area of the territory makes 466 hа.
The territory under development has the substation of 220/110/10 кВ with two sources energy-saving. Water supply of consumers is provided from existing engineering networks of the city.

Maintenance with phone communication of subscribers is performed from existing city automatic telephone exchange with digital program management. Gas supply of consumers is to be given from the city gas network.
The advantages of territorial location of the special economic zone "Donetsk" consist in convenient transport communications, and also that it is situated in the city boundaries. Distance up to the center of Donetsk is 10-12 km.

In the city there are an international airport and railway station. In the distance of about 100 km in the southern direction from Donetsk there is Mariupol State Sea Trading Port.

The special economic zone "Donetsk" is presented by two investment projects:

“Nord” OAO
“The Creation of Manufacturing of Home Appliances ", the sum of investments is 7,0 million USD

"Vozrozhdenie" SPII
“Producing of meat products", the sum of investments is 2,73 million USD

Опубликовано: 20.11.2004

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